The populationof Ukraine is 43 million people.
The official languageis Ukrainian.
The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv
The biggest cities are Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv.
Climate: In most of the territory of Ukraine the climate is temperate continental with distinct seasons. In southern and western parts of the country the climate is milder than in the north and east.
History: Ukrainian history isn’t quite simple. For a long period of time, the country was «under the influence» of neighbors, such as Poland, Austria-Hungary, Russia. Then, over a difficult period, a European sovereign state was formed. It be came independent 24th August 1991. In the territory of Ukraine there are many historical sites from ancient churches and cathedrals to medieval palaces and fortresses. More than 150 000 different monuments of history, culture and architecture reflect a multifaceted history of the Ukrainian people. Ukraine is a country with a thousand year history, which perfectly combines the past and the present.
National cuisine of the country: It’s the most diverse cuisine among the Slavic ones. The most popular national Ukrainian dishes are borscht, doughnuts with lard and garlic and,various types of dumplings.
Banks and currency exchange: The national currency of Ukraine is hryvnia. A freely convertible currency can be exchanged for the hryvnia at any branch of the bank, as well as at specialized exchange offices. Credit cards (such as American Express, Master Card, Maestro and Visa) are available in all cities. Cards accepted. Mostbanksare openfrom 8.00 - 9.00 to 17.00.
Emergency numbers:
101 – emergency aid
102 – police
103 – ambulance service
104 – gas emergency service
Voltage: 220 volts.
Frequency: 50 Hz.
Time zone: UTC + 2.

State symbols of Ukraine: